Transition Health Care

Sep 9th, 2013
, General
Parents of children with special health care needs and disabilities need to plan, connect, advocate and find information on behalf of their child. Planning ahead is very important and makes a difference. There are important things to consider as you prepare your adolescent to become more independent in adulthood. Young adults need increased responsibility for their own health care. This means that it is important for families to plan for transferring health care from a pediatrician to adult health care providers. Here are some tips to consider:

• Begin by age 14 but plan over a period of time. Make a plan that is specific to your adolescent and his/her special health care needs.
• If your adolescent has a special health care need or disability significant enough to interfere with his/her ability to make financial and medical decisions, you will need to file a petition to the court six months before your adolescent turns 18 to maintain guardianship or to initiate conservator ship.
• Ask the provider how and when age-appropriate information will be shared with your adolescent about: his/her disability or chronic illness, sexuality, preparing for parenthood, genetic counseling, vocational awareness, work opportunities and leisure time.
• Suggest to the provider that he/she meet privately with your adolescent to discuss topics such as physical, emotional and sexual development, relationships and friendships, sexuality, alcohol, drug and tobacco use, and family issues.

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